
Building an incredible learning experience

Making learning more effective through active participation and collaboration

Adobe XD UI/UX


  • 1. PC or Mac device with atleast 4GB RAM

  • 2. No coding experience is required

  • 3. Everything will be taught from the scratch

  • 4. Platform: Google meet will be used

Course Content

Section 1: Getting Started [60 min]

  • 1. Introduction

  • 2. Installation

  • 3. What is User Interface Vs User Experience Vs User Product Design

Section 2: The Brief [30 min]

  • 4. The UX brief and persona for the making of real-life project.

Section 3: Wireframing low fidelity [60 min]

  • 5. Wireframing in Adobe XD

  • 6. Talking about Resolutions

  • 7. Working with UI kits in XD

Section 4: Type, Color and Icon Introduction [120 min]

  • 8. Working with type in wireframes

  • 9. Basic color and buttons in XD

  • 10. Free icons for your Adobe XD and UI/UX projects

  • 11. Adding footers and learn lorem ipsum to our project

  • 12. New pages and artboards in Adobe XD

  • 13. Explaining Assignment 1 with all previous doubts.

Section 5: Prototyping a website Introduction [60 min]

  • 14. Prototyping and adding interactivity to Adobe XD

  • 15. How to create a popup model or popup box in XD

  • 16. Explaining Prototyping for Assignment 2 and doubts

Section 6: Symbols and repeat grids [140 min]

  • 17. Working with group and Isolation

  • 18. How to make and use symbols

  • 19. Production video – Left Nav

  • 20. Using repeat Grid in Adobe XD

  • 21. Updating Symbols and problems with using repeat grid

  • 22. Prototype trick to save time in XD

  • 23. Navigation tips and tricks in XD

  • 24. Assignment 3 – Symbol and repeat Grids and doubt clearing

Section 7: Prototyping an app introduction [80 min]

  • 25. Mocking up App for Android and iOS design

  • 26. How to use XD app on iPhone and androids

  • 27. Adding iPhone and Android battery and status icon to mockup

  • 28. How to fix the position of the nav and battery icon in XD

  • 29. Production video login and dashboard

Section 8: Wireframing Feedback [60 min]

  • 30. Sharing wireframes for feedback

  • 31. Recording your video via interaction

  • 32. Wireframing feedback as Assignment 4 and doubt clearing

Section 9: High fidelity Design [40 min]

  • 33. Low fidelity Vs High fidelity

  • 34. Mood board

  • 35. Grid modulation in your work using XD

Section 10: Colors [80 min]

  • 36. Working with Colors in XD

  • 37. Tricks for using colors in XD

  • 38. How to create Gradients in your app or website

  • 39. Explaining Assignment 5 and doubts of 1-38 modules and Introduction of the Class Project 1 (for certification Grading)

Section 11: Text and font advanced [140 min]

  • 40. Use web safe fonts or iOS or Android specific fonts in XD

  • 41. How to use character Style

  • 42. Fonts and Text tips and tricks in XD

  • 43. Adding our first plugin Lorem Ipsum

  • 44. Creating realistic buttons

  • 45. Assignment 6 Explanation and doubt clearing

Section 12: Drawing [110 min]

  • 46. How to draw your Custome icons

  • 47. Work with stokes and lines in XD

  • 48. Learn to Draw with pen tool in XD

  • 49. Drawing practice with pen tool

  • 50. Production video with Drawing tips

Section 13 : Working with Illustrator (60 min)

  • 51. Back and forth and some knowledge of Illustrator further course.

  • 52. Assignment 7 Explanation

Section 14: Working with InDesign [20 min]

  • 53. Something exciting to with InDesign

Section 15: Images [70 min]

  • 54. The pros and cons of working with image

  • 55. Working with image and CC library

  • 56. Adobe stock connection for similar images

  • 57. Free images

  • 58. Making blur background with opacity

Section 16: Working with Photoshop [50 min]

  • 59. Working with PS

  • 60. Infographic

  • 61. Assignment 8

Section 17: App Design [60 min]

62. How to make mobile phone mockup with XD and PS

  • 63. Doubt clearing and Assignment 9 Explanation

Section 18: Placeholder content and Plugins [40 min]

  • 64. Hidden features of repeat grid

  • 65. Content generator

  • 66. Plugins for profile photos

  • 67. Unsplash

  • 68. Copycat or mimic to style images

Section 19: Asset panel [10 min]

  • 69. Advanced Asset panel tricks and further talking about doubts and projects

Section 20: Symbol Advanced and Micro Interaction [90 min]

  • 70. Advanced Symbol tricks

  • 71. What is micro interaction

  • 72. Light mode to Dark mode switch

  • 73. Animated image Gallery with interaction

  • 74. Full vector Change Micro Interactions in XD

  • 75. Assignment 10 Explaining and introduction of Class project 2.

Section 21: Prototyping Advanced [100 min]

  • 76. Time delay

  • 77. Pop up menu model

  • 78. Animated side nav with Burger menu

  • 79. Working Dropdown Menu

  • 80. Drag transition

  • 81. Number trick scroll

  • 82. Voice interaction

Section 22: User testing [60 min]

  • 83. How to do user testing and what types of user testing is present now?

Section 23: Project Hands on Development [450 min]

  • 84. E- commerce website

  • 85. Food app

  • 86. Music App discuss

Post-course completion

  • 1. You will get an official Adobe Certificate

  • 2. You can mention UI/UX designer in your CV

  • 3. You will be able to design your own website or app design

  • 4. You can earn as a freelancer and do tons of internships to boost your experience so that you get easily selected during your placements

Technical Analysis - Path to a Profitable Trader


  • 1. No prior knowledge required

  • 2. People from any stream can take this course

Course Content

Section 1: Introduction to Technical Analysis

Section 2: Risk Reward (VVIP)

Section 3: Market Cycle

Doubt Session

Section 4: Candlesticks Patterns (Part 1)

Section 5: Candlesticks Patterns (Part 2)

Section 6: Price Action (VVIP)

Doubt Session

Section 8: Volume and Stock Selection (VVIP)

Section 9: Indicators -1

Section 10: Indicators -2

Doubt Session

Section 11: Gap Theory

Section 12: Cross Overs

Section 13: Trading Strategies

Doubt Session

Section 14: Market Psychology & Trading Mindset

Section 15: Advanced Technical Analysis -1

Section 16: Advanced Technical Analysis-2

Doubt Session

Post-course completion

  • 1. Life Time Support

  • 2. Access to my personal trades through a WhatsApp broadcast group where you can take the trade

  • 3. Get minimum 500 to 600 points of bank nifty options for 1 Month, with more than 85% accuracy.

The Human computer Interaction Research Oriented Workshop- Discover the Key to Exceptional User Experiences with Our HCI Program


Coming Soon

Course Content

Week 1

Introduction to HCI

  1. Understanding user-centered design - The benefits of user-centered design- The role of user research in HCI
  2. Key principles of user-centered design
  3. Identifying the importance of usability
  4. Defining usability and its importance
  5. The relationship between usability and user experience
  6. The impact of poor usability
  7. Overview of the HCI design process
  8. The stages of the HCI design process
  9.  Key deliverables in the design process


Week 2

User Research

  1. Conducting user interviews
  2. Planning and conducting user interviews
  3. Techniques for effective interviewing
  4. Analyzing and synthesizing interview data
  5. Performing usability testing
  6. Planning and conducting usability tests
  7. Planning and conducting usability tests
  8. Analyzing and interpreting test results
  9. Analyzing research findings
  10. Techniques for synthesizing research findings
  11. Identifying patterns and themes in research data
  12. Using research insights to inform design decisions


Week 3

Design Principles

  1. Understanding design principles
  2. Basic principles of design, such as balance, contrast, and hierarchy
  3. Applying design principles to UI design
  4. The role of design in usability and user experience
  5. Applying design principles to UI design
  6. Selecting appropriate color schemes and typography
  7. Creating effective layouts and information architectures
  8. Designing for different devices and platforms
  9. Evaluating designs for usability
  10. Techniques for evaluating designs for usability
  11. Identifying and addressing common usability issues
  12. Creating usability testing plans


Week 4

Prototyping and Iteration

  1. Creating low-fidelity prototypes
  2. Techniques for sketching and wireframing
  3. Creating paper and digital prototypes
  4. Using prototyping tools
  5. User testing prototypes
  6. Planning and conducting user testing sessions
  7. Selecting appropriate test methods for different stages of the design process
  8. Selecting appropriate test methods for different stages of the design process
  9. Analyzing and interpreting user feedback
  10. Iterating designs based on feedback
  11. Techniques for incorporating feedback into designs
  12. Identifying when and how to make design changes
  13. Creating an iterative design process


Week 5

Visual Design and Interaction Design

  1. Basic principles of visual design
  2. The role of visual design in user experience
  3. The elements and principles of visual design
  4. Techniques for creating effective visual designs
  5. Designing for different devices and platforms
  6. Understanding the unique constraints and opportunities of different platforms
  7. Adapting designs for different screen sizes and resolutions
  8. Creating responsive and adaptive designs
  9. Understanding interaction design
  10. The role of interaction design in user experience
  11. Key principles of interaction design
  12. Creating effective interactions and animations


Week 6

Evaluation and Feedback

  1. Evaluating designs for usability
  2. Techniques for evaluating designs for usability
  3. Identifying and addressing common usability issues
  4. Creating usability testing plans
  5. Soliciting and incorporating user feedback
  6. Techniques for gathering feedback from users
  7. Identifying and prioritizing user needs and preferences
  8. Incorporating feedback into design decisions
  9. Measuring the effectiveness of HCI solutions
  10. Techniques for measuring the impact of HCI solutions
  11. Identifying key performance indicators
  12. Using data to inform design decisions


Week 7

Interaction Design Patterns

  1. Common patterns in interaction design
  2. interaction design patterns, such as affordances, feedback, and error prevention
  3. Using patterns to create effective and efficient interactions
  4. Identifying and adapting patterns for different contexts and platforms
  5. different contexts and platforms
  6. Designing custom interactions
  7. Techniques for creating unique and innovative interactions
  8. Techniques for creating unique and innovative interactions
  9. Balancing creativity and usability
  10. Identifying and addressing potential usability issues
  11. Creating pattern libraries and style guides
  12. The importance of consistency in design
  13. Techniques for creating pattern libraries and style guides
  14. Maintaining and updating pattern libraries and style guides


Week 8

Capstone Project

  1. Applying HCI principles and techniques to a real-world project
  2. Developing a project brief and scope
  3. Conducting user research and analysis
  4. Creating design concepts and prototypes
  5. Iterating designs based on user feedback
  6. Creating a final design solution
  7. Developing futuristic HCI solutions
  8. Exploring emerging technologies and their potential HCI applications
  9. Identifying new HCI challenges and opportunities in emerging contexts
  10. Developing solutions that address these challenges and opportunities


Week 9

Designing for Accessibility

  1. Understanding accessibility
  2. The importance of accessibility in HCI
  3. Common accessibility challenges and barriers
  4. Key principles of accessible design
  5. Designing accessible interfaces
  6. Techniques for designing accessible interfaces
  7. Creating interfaces that work with assistive technologies
  8. Adapting designs for different types of users
  9. Evaluating designs for accessibility
  10. Techniques for evaluating designs for accessibility
  11. Identifying and addressing common accessibility issues
  12. Creating accessible testing plans


Week 10

Ethics and HCI


  1. Ethical considerations in HCI
  2. Understanding the impact of HCI solutions on users and society
  3. Identifying ethical challenges and dilemmas in HCI
  4. Key ethical principles in HCI
  5. Designing ethically
  6. Techniques for designing solutions that are ethically responsible
  7. Balancing competing interests and priorities
  8. Creating ethical guidelines and frameworks for HCI solutions
  9. Evaluating HCI solutions for ethical considerations
  10. Identifying and addressing ethical issues in HCI solutions
  11. Creating ethical testing plans


Week 11

Designing for Multicultural and Global Contexts

  1. Understanding multicultural and global contexts
  2. The impact of culture and context on HCI
  3. Identifying cultural and global differences in user needs and preferences
  4. Key principles of designing for multicultural and global contexts
  5. Designing for multicultural and global contexts
  6. Techniques for designing solutions that are sensitive to cultural and global differences
  7. Adapting designs for different languages and cultural contexts
  8. Creating inclusive and culturally sensitive solutions
  9. Evaluating designs for multicultural and global considerations
  10. Techniques for evaluating HCI solutions for cultural and global considerations
  11. Identifying and addressing cultural and global issues in HCI solutions
  12. Creating testing plans that address cultural and global considerations


Week 12

Future Directions in HCI

  1. technologies and their potential HCI applications
  2. Identifying new HCI challenges and opportunities in emerging contexts
  3. Speculating on future directions in HCI
  4. Creating HCI solutions for future contexts
  5. Techniques for creating solutions that are flexible and adaptable to future contexts
  6. Speculating on future HCI solutions and their potential impact
  7. Creating a vision for the future of HCI
  8. Reflecting on the HCI design process
  9. Evaluating the HCI design process and its strengths and weaknesses
  10. Identifying opportunities for improvement and innovation
  11. Creating personal goals and plans for future HCI work

Post-course completion

Coming Soon